Found this corner shelf at a country estate sale not too far from our farm. Immediately thought it would be perfect for the Tiny House on the Prairie. I was very excited, but I played it cool and got it for ten
It is made of 1950/60’s tongue and groove paneling, and with a bit of love and some paint, it was going to be fabulous in the corner of the Tiny House bedroom.
Having just ordered Heirloom Traditions Paint (HTP) all-in-one paint (Spruce, a blue-green grayish color), I thought I would give it a try.
This is my second time using HTP all-in-one paint, the first time, it was very hot and dry, and I had a fan running in the workshop. The paint seemed to dry too fast, causing the surface to be rough. With ordinary or chalk paint, this would not be much of a problem, but this paint is very durable and sanding
it is not so easy. However, I wanted to give it another go under different conditions. This time it went on smooth and easy.
This was an easy weekend project. I started it on Friday after work and had it placed in its new home by
Sunday. 5 easy steps
1. Clean/de-gloss- this is the most important step.

2. Wood putty cracks/knot holes, let dry and lightly sand.

3. Paint and smooth base/ugly coat

Saturday (after drying overnight)
4. Paint and smooth the final coat.

5. Let dry
